Saturday, October 29, 2011


As November approaches, NaNoWriMo occupies more and more of my thoughts.  I keep reading advice about how I ought to write something I would want to read.  I think about the stories I enjoy.  What makes me come back to a story, time after time?  What is special about the book I stay up late reading because I just can't put them down?

My favorite tales span a wide variety of genres, though usually in the lighter range of any given genre.  They frequently have a fast paced plot, but not always.  The main thing that moves a book from my library list to my shelf seems to be the characters.  I read and reread books who get me invested in the characters.  These are the books my family gives me looks when I read them the first time because I gasp and giggle at what seems to outside observers to be a random time.  But there is nothing random about it.  The author purposely included bits to help you connect with the characters.  What makes them laugh?  What makes them cry?  Why do they decide to do what they do?

I've worked out some of this for the main characters in the yarn I hope to spin through November, at least the motivation part.  It still needs to be fleshed out a bit, maybe more than just a bit.  I'll work on it this weekend.  I hope I will have defined my characters enough by the time November gets here that the little nuggets of personality and purpose will just flow through the story.

Who are your favorite characters?

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