Tuesday, November 1, 2011

NaNoWriMo, Day 1

YAY, I REACHED MY FIRST WORD COUNT GOAL!  Okay, now that I've gotten that out of my system, I want to tell you about what I'm learning so far.

I'm afraid I started the day a bit out of it.  I figured that I had time to read a few books before November, and I did.  I read 3 books in 2 days.  It was an excellent series.  Unfortunately, I wasn't counting on the literary hangover after my reading binge.  My day started with my head full of someone else's characters and motivations in my head.  Not good.  Eventually, I cleared my head enough to find my characters.  I read some of the pep talk posts and some technique posts from authors I admire.  Then, I read through my own notes.  I was able to see them again.  Finally, I was able to start writing.

My story did not start where I thought it would.  When I first conceived this story, it started in a bar.  Turns out, when I put my fingers to the keyboard, my story started before that.  Also, my cast was apparently incomplete.  I thought I had accounted for ask the major players.  Turns out, I was wrong.  I'm not sure who I just made in the last few sentences of today's work, but I cannot wait to meet them tomorrow.  Until next time!